Services & Capabilities

Custom Plant Containers

If you're looking to add an attractive element to your home decor, consider getting a plant container. We offer assistance in choosing the appropriate container and plants that match your desired style and daily routine. In addition, we'll provide useful advice to ensure you become a successful plant owner.

Step 1

Pick a Container

Let's start off with what would act as your foundation, the container! If you have your own plant container all you have to do is bring it in and we'll get the process started. If you would like to purchase a new container we have a variety of curated and premium products to choose from.

Step 2

Pick Your Favorite Plants

We can assist you in selecting plants that are visually appealing and appropriate for the container and space. We'll also take into account the amount of sunlight the space receives and your lifestyle requirements when selecting plants.

Step 3

Time to Arrange

After the container and plants are selected, we'll get to work on your arrangement! The time needed for this can vary but we ask all customers to allow at least one day before pickup.

Step 4

Pickup & Plant Care Tips

Come by and pickup your new plant container! We'll also give you some helpful tips to keep your plant nice and healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring my own?

Ipsam laudantium qui quasi porro voluptate corrupti. Repudiandae et ullam inventore architecto quis unde voluptas magni. Quae eveniet

How much should I budget for?

Doloremque deserunt quis ut maxime ad tenetur sit modi nemo. Sunt recusandae beatae quia facere qui. Ut quam quidem est. Delectus omnis

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